Brattlecast #60 - Thanksgiving!

It’s Ken’s favorite holiday: Thanksgiving! In this episode we’ll talk turkey, specifically the evolution of American turkey cookery from the 1700’s through the 1980’s as viewed through the lens of a progression of recipes from antique and vintage cookbooks. Plus, for dessert, we’ve got vibrant, turn of the century Thanksgiving ephemera, including greeting cards and football programs. And, as always, we are thankful to you, our listeners.

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Brattlecast #9 - These Magazines are Giving Me Life

Life Magazine: a touchstone of American culture for nearly a century. In this episode, Ken Gloss provides some fascinating background on the enduring popularity of Life among amateur collectors, and the unique way its content, photography, and advertising captured the zeitgeist. Can you guess the magazine's rarest and most elusive cover?