Brattlecast #63 - Why do Lectures? Or, Gilt by Association

Libraries! Museums! Children’s birthday parties (just kidding)! Ken is out on the road twice a month: giving lectures, sharing his love of rare books, doing appraisals for audience members, and participating in some truly hair-raising Q&A sessions. Find out when he’ll be in your town here: Real fans can bring their Brattle Book Shop tote bags for Ken to sign, and then ask him to appraise the autographed tote bag (nice, but not particularly valuable).

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Brattlecast #60 - Thanksgiving!

It’s Ken’s favorite holiday: Thanksgiving! In this episode we’ll talk turkey, specifically the evolution of American turkey cookery from the 1700’s through the 1980’s as viewed through the lens of a progression of recipes from antique and vintage cookbooks. Plus, for dessert, we’ve got vibrant, turn of the century Thanksgiving ephemera, including greeting cards and football programs. And, as always, we are thankful to you, our listeners.

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Brattlecast #44 - Boston Latin

Founded in 1635, Boston Latin School is the oldest public school in the United States, and boasts many famous graduates, including Benjamin Franklin, Henry David Thoreau, and Leonard Bernstein. One could build a collection consisting entirely of works by and about its illustrious alumni, as Ken suggests to one of his former Boston Latin classmates during a seemingly fairly raucous high school reunion. Plus, some tips on insuring your own rare book collection.

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