Brattlecast #145 - Book Fair Postscript

This episode is a recap of the recent Boston International Antiquarian Book Fair, which recently returned to the Hynes Convention Center after years of online-only events. How did it go? The short answer is, Great! It was well attended, with over 120 dealers exhibiting, so everyone could enjoy seeing old friends – and making new ones – in person again. Rare books sold briskly, panel discussions got lively, and the Brattle gave out about 35 pounds of M&M’s – regular and peanut. If you couldn’t make it this year, don’t worry: we’re already planning events for 2023 and 2024. Listen to learn more, and head to to keep up with future fair news.

Brattlecast #142 - Post-Covid Changes

As the Covid-19 pandemic slowly draws to a close, we’re taking stock of some of the changes it’s caused—to downtown Boston, the secondhand book business, and, especially, the Brattle. Differences at the shop run deeper than masked employees and plexiglass barriers: after a disastrous first year, we’re busier than ever before, and our new customers tend to be younger and more diverse. A revised book-buying policy has cut down on conflict, and we’ve renewed our focus on in-person shopping, keeping many of the better books offline. Some of the most important changes at the shop have to do with not being there: prioritizing family, travel, and work/life balance. We talk about it all on today’s “new normal” episode of the #brattlecast.

Brattlecast #139 - A Russian Diary

Today in the studio we have a diary that was kept by a teenage girl during her family’s emigration odyssey from Russia to the United States. They left Moscow in 1917, embarking on a year-long journey that took them across the continent on the Trans-Siberian Railroad, then through Vladivostok, Yokohama, Hawaii, and San Francisco. Mostly written in Cyrillic, the diary contains photos, little English-language jokes, and references to Jascha Heifetz, a family friend—and violin prodigy—whose family took a parallel trip when they left Russia. Learn about what makes a diary interesting, our translation processes, and the importance of treating these historical documents with respect on this meandering episode of the #brattlecast.

Brattlecast #131 - Great Gifts Anytime!

Good books are always a gift, especially when they’re…well, given as one. A thoughtfully chosen vintage travel guide or piece of ephemera can jog memories of a vanished world, encouraging the recipient to reminisce and share stories about their own life. On this episode we’re discussing the specialized book-gifting preferences of some of our regular customers, one of whom Ken always keeps in mind when material on pre-revolutionary Cuba comes into the shop. Whether it's for the holidays, a birthday, or just because, sometimes the best presents are the ones that take us back into the past.

Brattlecast #14 - On The Road(show) Again

The sky is dark, because all the stars are at the Antiques Roadshow! Look behind the scenes with Ken as he recounts some of the best (and worst) segments from over the years, such as a Walt Whitman cameo in a letter from the Civil War, or a wacky candid of a beloved religious leader.

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