Brattlecast #158 - Vermont Sheds Books

A university without books? Today we’re talking about the recent announcement by Vermont State University that they’ll be building an “all-digital library” and getting rid of print books as a cost-cutting measure. The decision has drawn a strong backlash from students and faculty, but, as enrollments drop, funds are slashed, and courses move online, it makes a gloomy kind of sense. Uncomfortable questions are being raised about the future of higher education in the United States. For the children of the rich, academia will continue to deliver a particular aesthetic experience—leafy quads, serendipitous browsing, and screen-free studying in a book-lined space—while for the rest it may shrivel into a bare-bones jobs training program. Join us for the discussion on this all-digital #brattlecast.

Brattlecast #108 - Viability of Owning a Bookstore

Is it still viable to own a bookstore in 2021? Essentially yes, as long as you don’t have dust allergies, back or knee injuries, or a burning ambition to become fantastically wealthy by owning a bookstore. People getting into the book trade these days tend to open smaller, more specialized shops; some sell exclusively online, and some even have a full time job and sell books as a hobby. Today we’ll talk about the ways that the industry is changing, and Ken will divulge some of his secrets to bookselling success. Fortunately there’s still an audience for physical media, people still enjoy the experience of browsing, and online shopping is no substitute for the rich, idiosyncratic atmosphere that a good bookshop can provide.

As things open up again, we’d like to encourage our listeners to visit our shop at 9 West Street in Downtown Boston to see this and thousands of other fascinating items!

Brattlecast #99 - Strand by Me

Today we’re discussing recent news about Covid-19’s impact on the Strand bookstore. The New York City institution received an outpouring of support after its owner, Nancy Bass Wyden, took to social media, detailing the 93-year-old store’s dire financial situation and asking the public for help. The Strand’s story has a happy ending, but many others have not been so lucky: according to the American Booksellers Association, more than one independent bookshop has closed for good each week since the start of the pandemic in March. We’ll talk about why this crisis is especially hard on smaller book stores, many of which rely on city foot traffic and in-store events, and have already been weakened by years of competition with online giants like Amazon. While the Brattle isn’t going anywhere, it functions best as part of a thriving community of fellow booksellers, the diminishment of which is a real loss to literary culture and to the fabrics of our cities and towns.

Brattlecast #50 - Books to the Future

What does the future hold for brick and mortar book shops? Things are looking bright! As the internet has decimated big box book retailers, small independent book shops have reemerged as vital community spaces. These shops offer the author readings and events, fortuitous browsing discoveries, and simple human interactions that you just can't find online. So what's the greatest threat to modern booksellers? It isn't the Kindle: it's the rising rents.

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