Brattlecast #172 - Emotional Attachments

What’s the hardest thing about buying used books? For Ken, it’s not coming to a monetary agreement with the seller, or even moving a large collection—it’s the sentimental bonds that readers form with their libraries. In today’s episode we talk about emotional factors that come up when we look at books: family disputes, estate dramas, and people who, deep in their hearts, aren’t ready to part with the books they’re trying to sell us. Plus, we lighten the mood with a story about Somerset Maugham’s bad friend. Listen for a lesson in bookseller psychology on this priceless #brattlecast.

Brattlecast # 146 - Prepping a Book Collection

On today’s episode we’re answering a question from a listener: If you want to sell a large library, what can you do to prepare before Ken, or someone like Ken, comes to take a look? The good news is, we don’t really care how tidy or organized your shelves are, within reason—in fact, we’ve almost certainly seen much worse. Our top tip is to decide in advance what you’re keeping, and, if there’s anyone else with sentimental feelings about the collection, to involve them in the process from the start. Listen to learn more about book buying, and email if you have any questions for Ken.

Brattlecast #97 - How to Look at Books

What do you look for when you’re looking at books? In response to this question from an antiques dealer who finds books to be something of a pain in the… past, Ken details the Brattle’s time-tested methods for determining, over the phone, which libraries might be of special interest to collectors. Of course no books are really a pain in the buns: some may be rare and valuable but the rest are still great reading material that’s heavy to move, frequently dusty, and emotionally difficult for people to part with. Learn what to look for on this very specific #brattlecast.