Brattlecast #151 - The Impactful Internet

In this episode we talk about the impact of the internet on the shop, and on bookselling in general. Dictionary and encyclopedia sales have declined precipitously as search engines supplant reference books, but it’s easier than ever to do our own research online. E-readers may be convenient, but even young people still enjoy the tactility and craft of a good old fashioned paper-style book. Overall, more information is accessible to more people – and that’s a good thing. Learn how we’re adapting on this high-tech new #brattlecast.

Brattlecast #82 - 'The Only Constant is Change'

People thinking of going into the used book business often seek out Ken for his advice. One of these requests promoted this episode of reflections on the ways bookselling has changed since the advent of the internet, and the ways it’s always stayed the same. We’ll look back at a largely vanished world of small, brick and mortar bookshops, stocked with finds from rough-and-tumble library book sales and cross country book buying road trips. We’ll close out the episode with some words of advice that are applicable to any field: bring enthusiasm to whatever you do, establish good relationships with your colleagues and customers, and don’t be afraid to ask questions.